We need to pull together. We have just learned of two additional robbery attempts in the Fryman/Dona area this week. One on Dona Dorotea, the other on Iredell. These in addition to at least 4 robberies or attempted robberies on Fryman Rd. in recent weeks that we are aware of makes the call for additional security ever more urgent. Attempts have occurred during the day, at night while occupants were away and while they were home--with pets, with alarms set, and without. None of us is safe.
We are interested in banding together with the Western Donas to install security cameras at each of the entrances to the neighborhood and possibly a gate house at the entrance to Fryman. Such actions would serve as a deterrent to strangers entering the neighborhood who might realize their photos and license plates are being recorded. In addition, they might think there is security in the neighborhood, on site, monitoring the cameras. We may decide to add security if it in fact makes sense to do so. In addition, the recorded tapes would assist police in apprehending suspects and recovering property.
We need help in getting bids for the cameras and guard house, as well as rallying the neighbors both here and in the Donas for ongoing support. Please let us know if you would be willing to assist with this process, if this is an idea you would support, and if you have any contacts that could help with this process.
Fryman Canyon Board
Robberies or burglaries? BTW-
I'm all for the gate house, but would like it to be prior to the entrance to Iredell, as Iredell has all the walking traffic leading to the hike.
Janet- we're planning a Neighborhood Watch meeting on either 8/16 or 8/17 where we can discuss all options. We're inviting Office Mike as well.
We'll do a snail mail notice to the neighborhood.
Ole Buddy point out We gotta walk before we run. The two years of waiting for licenses, approvals, money to build gates and pay gate-keepers is just enough time for depression-hurt outsiders to pick all our apples.
Starting small with signs all over can be done by tomorrow and a starter fund is already in the group's pocket.
Don't most of us want to do something besides meet and talk now, so the next few years can be spent getting it perfect!
Won't each of us kick in ten- twenty bucks to start the ball rolling?
I don't think the burglars are parking down at the bottom by the park entrance. If they are robbing homes, they won't be carrying the stuff back to that lot. I believe they are parking on our streets possibly posing as gardeners, pool men, cable repair, etc. I've been getting "solicitations" recently for Obama campaigners that I'm a little suspicious of. I'd be supportive of installing cameras on our streets -- particularly Iredell and lower Fryman where there is a lot of foot traffic and looky loos.
I agree that posting Neighborhood Watch signs can be done easily. So let's get them up. I'll do it myself.
We figured a meeting was the way to raise $ to buy the signs and get the hood on board- cameras, foot patrols, reporting suspicious types, etc..
If not, do you suggest a mailer/email do so? It seems that only a handful are aware of this blog.
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